Your so fat when you go to Sea World they pay you!
Your So Fat When You Go T…
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Your so fat when you go to Sea World they pay you!
Your so narrow minded when you walk your earings knock together.
Your so stupid, that you went to a Clippers game to get a hair cut.
Your so stupid, that you got fired from the M & M factory for throwing away all the Ws.
Your so stupid, it takes you an hour to cook minute rice.
Your so stupid you got locked in a grocery store and starved to death!
Your so ugly, when you were born your mom said “What a treasure” and your dad said “Yea lets go burry it”!
Your so stupid, that you went to a Whalers game to see Shamu.
Your son is depriving a village somewhere of an idiot.
Your so ugly, your mother had to tie a steak around your neck to get the dog to play with you